The following list shows several components I have written in Delphi. You can download and use them without any requirements.
You can find a description of the components in the comments at the top of the PAS files.
- woColorListbox
Listbox which shows the colors specified in the Items property beside the text in a small, graphical box
- woFontComboBox
ComboBox which lists all fonts installed in the system and prints the entries in the corresponding font
- woFontListBox
ListBox which lists all fonts installed in the system and prints the entries in the corresponding font
- woGradientPanel
A Panel which has properties to draw a gradient on the panel
- woLinkLabel
A standard Label extended with the functionality of a link, which looks like a typical link in the WWW
- woScreenZoom
A nice component which can zoom on a part of the screen and has the behaviour of a magnifying glass
- woTaskbarMenu
This unit can be used to normalize the Taskbar-popupmenu of a Delphi application in order to change its appearance to that of a standard Windows application.
Please note, that I cannot (and will not) guarantee for the correctness of the code. All the components are not under active development anymore.
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